S.O.S Creativity III Project meeting held online

On April 19th 2022, the SOS CREATIVITY consortium joined the III Transnational Project Meeting, a 24-month Project co-funded by the Erasmus Plus Programme of the European Commission with Internet Web Solutions from Spain as coordinator.
Indeed, partners from Spain, France, the Republic of North Macedonia, Belgium, Poland and Italy participate in this Erasmus+ project targeted to seniors and adult tardive digitals.
After the official greetings from coordinator, the OER Platform (https://www.soscreativity.eu/ ) with an overview of all Intellectual Outputs developed so far and availble in 6 languages (EN, ES, ITA, MK, PL and FR) were presented along with the Dissemination actions implemented at a local, national and European level.
The core of the meeting was the presentation of the Test&Validation Plan, part of the Intellectual Output n.4 in which the consortium will provide free and user friendly training sections to enable seniors to benefit from online cultural and artistic contents, resources and activities in total security being aware of the risks of navigating and downloading such resources. Testing and validation will be held in collaboration with associated partners so they will integrate S.O.S. Creativity training into their regular activities and thus promote social and cultural inclusion. Each partner will collect and analyse feedbacks with comments and aggregated data. These feedbacks will form the basis for the next activity of fine-tuning and guidelines for future use.
A massive and genuine enthusiasm in this project that aims to support seniors in a Covid-19 post-pandemic era, in which Internet has a bigger impact even on personal relationships.