SOS Creativity Project mitigates the effect of COVID-19 on older people

A recent Report from Eurofound, the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, has analysed the effect of COVID-19 on the lives of elderly people in Europe.
“COVID-19 and older people: Impact on their lives, support and care” captures the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the quality of life of older citizens, including that on their well-being, finances, employment and social inclusion.
The Report provides for a comprehensive overview on health and well-being, social interaction, paid and unpaid work, finances and deprivation, support for ad hoc needs resulting from lockdowns, healthcare and long-term care.
A specific focus is dedicated to the potentialities of ICT in ensuring the provision of healthcare to citizens, especially elderly. According to the Report, e-healthcare (e-consultation, e-prescription, etc.) facilitated access to healthcare, but 56% of people aged 50+ who needed a consultation had a face-to-face consultation because they preferred it to the available e-healthcare options. The role and potentiality of e-care depends very much on the capacity of policy makers to facilitate the use of ICT for all people possibly involved, from elderly to professional carers.
SOS Creativity aims at provide seniors with the right tools to make a good use of technologies, increasingly important in everyone’s life.
To stay updated with our progresses, please feel free to visit the official project’s website: