S.O.S Creativity – Seniors Online Security for Creativity IO4 – Pilot Validation with 180 Target Group representatives

S.O.S. Creativity Erasmus+ Project is designed to support the development of IT key competences for adults to let them exploit cultural offers and artistic contents available online.
The Project is providing easy-to-assess and ready-to-use capacity building material that can help targets in acquiring new knowledge and competences to browse the web safely, effectively and efficiently. S.O.S Creativity’s training modules for the digital skills of low-skilled adults are categorized in the following 5 thematic areas: Cultural and Media Literacy, Personal data protection, Economic Transactions, Online security, Digital Identity.
In the past period, the project partners worked on the implementation of the intellectual output 4: Pilot Validation with 180 Target Group representatives IO4 represents the final version of S.O.S Creativity based on test and validation activities; includes the Guidelines on the future use of the paths created on Online Cultural and Creative resources and Digital Awareness.
Created deliverables were tested with the project target groups (online and face-to-face) in the project partners respective countries. This activities allowed partners to test and validate the content, the structure, the versatility and relevance of the learning materials created in IO3.
Thanks to the feedback and results obtained in the piloting activities, the partners will further fine-tune S.O.S Creativity contents and materials.
In the final version of S.O.S Creativity based on test and validation activities Guidelines on the future use will emerge from the paths
created on Online Cultural and Creative resources and Digital Awareness. The guidelines will refer to both practical and organizational aspects as well as issues of educational-pedagogical approach and content.
S.O.S Creativity Guidelines for future use will be uploaded to the OER platform to further promote the dissemination and exploitation of online cultural resources and digital awareness training to all stakeholders, interested parties and general public.
To stay updated with our progress, please visit the official project’s website: https://www.soscreativity.eu