Children and Teens, the best grandparents’ digital tutors: a good practice from Italy

Società Cooperativa Fuori Dal Sommerso from Italy participates in the Erasmus+ programme with the project SOS Creativity, Seniors online security for creativity.
Who could be among the most suitable tutors to accompany the over 60s in the world of internet and digital skills? According to some of the most interesting Italian initiatives to promote digital culture among senior citizens, it is precisely primary and secondary school students.
The research carried out by the partners of SOS Creativity for the production of the IO2, in particular with respect to the activity of beanchmark and identification of good practices in place in the respective countries on the promotion of digital culture for adults, has highlighted some instructive methodological experiences.
For example, in the Italian context has emerged an initiative promoted by the “Mondo Digitale” foundation, called "Nonni su Internet" (Grandparents on the Internet), in which groups of students from elementary to middle school, within the schools and with the support of a teacher expert in information technology, guide the elderly along a path of digital literacy and the use of technology to take advantage of the telematic services of the public administration or to access cultural resources for pure entertainment. The initiative's website includes an educational kit with all the useful resources for carrying out the course.
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