SOS CREATIVITY consortium partecipated in an online Transational Project Meeting

SOS Creativity European consortium (8 partners from Spain, Italy, Beligum, France, Poland, North Macedonia) took part in the first project meeting, after the Kick-off held in April 2021. The meeting, originally planned in Bruxelles, has been run in an online mode (due to Covid post-pandemic restrictions) on the basis of an agenda developed and pre-agreed among partners.
Soon after the friendly greetings from coordinator (Internet Web Solutions from Spain) partners focuses on the state of development of the Open Educational Resources platform that is already online at: (which, among other things, is already on page 1 for the open search: Senior Online Security).
Furthermore, IWS presented the state of art of the backoffice platform where the Cultural and Creative mapping repository is already available (a total of 810 are available in all languages (EN, ES, FR, MK, IT, PL from Intellectual Output 2) and the draft version of the IO2 Self assessment tool (SAT). The SAT is the innovative core of the project as it defines questions with 3 possible answers each addressing 3 different levels of proficiency in that particular topic/skill. At the end of the self assessment, according to answers given, the SAT will be able to
assign different courses organized according to different thematic areas to users.
In the coming months the work will be focused on the development of Training contents to be loaded on the platform in order to offer non-formal education courses on ICT skills related to culture addressed to IT low-skilled adults, but also to trainers that provide courses to seniors in order to boost their social inclusion and promote digital skills when navigating through cultural contents.
Dissemination plays a big role in communication of all outputs and deliverables and partners showed a genuine enthusiams towards all online and offline initiatives proposed in the meeting in the 2- years of proyect and beyond to ensure sustainability of results.
There is a quote that says:
“Give a Man a Fish, and You Feed Him for a Day. Teach a Man To Fish, and You Feed Him for a Lifetime”.
SOS Creativity project, co-founded by the European Commission, strives to provide IT key competences for adults to let them exploit cultural offers and artistic contents available online, while boosting their level of consciousness toward the potentialities and the risks of the net such as phishing, fraud, fake news, invasion of privacy, defamation etc.